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TRUTH is TREASON in the Land of Tyranny!

General Bobby Farrell,
Post Office Box 3456
Albuquerque, NM  87190  USA
Email: The General
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21 DECEMBER 2007

       Free American?  Are there really any remaining?  Do the remnants of the The Constitution of the United States still permit such an entity?  "Horrors," the socialists scream, "foiled again, someone is not yet under our One World Government thumb!  We must create more socialist programs and crackpot scenarios to further bankrupt the U.S. economy and legislate our enslavement over the foolish citizens who think we're all honest, upright and righteous because we can program ourselves to look that way via our controlled media."

       Clay Douglas remains.  Unchanged and unchallenged to his face, Clay Douglas remains, a Free American.

       Free American?  "How can that be?" whine the socialists.  "We've instigated and created wars, created and manipulated all manner of energy and subsistence shortages to consume the individual's attention and the nation's resources; legislated self-defense into oblivion; made cities and schools into dope-market war zones; education into stupidity-programming; morality into oblivion among the youth; outlawed freedom of religion, speech and press unless endorsing our enslavement agenda; desecrated the productivity of the nation with treasonous treaties; outsourced jobs and reduced wages to all but ourselves.  How can any individual continue without the resources we've made every effort to deprive him of?"

       Clay Douglas remains.  Suffering all those outrages, gestapa tactics by law enforcement, defamation by the Anti-Defamation League, and watching the programmed-foolish citizens bury themselves in the well-planned and implemented socialist enslavement mire, Clay Douglas still remains, a Free American.

       Free American?  "We don't want a free anybody," fret the socialists.  "We have to publicly exterminate as many innocents as necessary to guarantee there are none anywhere in the world who are not under our absolute enslavement.  There can be no mercy, there can be no truth, there can be no honor, there can be no integrity, there can be no freedom of thought, there can be no freedom of movement, there can be no freedom of enterprise, there can be no freedom of any kind for any individual.  We must legislate, advertise, incarcerate and murder using all the governments and media we control.  There can be no exceptions for individual initiatives, for all such shall be against us to our own extermination."

       Clay Douglas remains.  Fully understanding the consequences of the unspeakable atrocities directed against him; fully understanding the consequences of Marxism, Communism, Fascism and False Democracy directed against all other individuals like him.  And fully understanding the consequences of all such damnations upon future generations to the ultimate destruction of mankind and the entire planet unless he be counted among those who call those treasons into full account.  Clay Douglas remains a pillar of testimony against the socialists, the marxists, the fascists, the communists, the vile, the profane, the corrupt and the cowards who dare not stand with him against their own manipulated destruction.

       Read more, and media-boycotted solutions to national and world problems available at The Free American until the controlling socialists, including those on government payroll, shut it down.  Read it while you can, and always remember the name of Clay Douglas, one of the few, one of the proud, one of the brave, a Free American.

       Clay Douglas remains.  A Free American, calling for True Patriots like himself to stand and be counted while standing is still almost legal.

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